AESTHETIC TEAMThe best way to manage your appointments, before and after surgery images, information on aesthetic treatments, visits and surgery.Discover the latest news on treatments and interventions and the promotions dedicated to you.AGENDAPerformance agenda under control.Possibility to confirm or cancel appointments. NOTIFICATIONSKeep up to date!Find out all the news on topics that interest you.Reminder of your upcoming visits, treatments and interventions.Promotions and discounts dedicated to you. REVIEWSThrough the APP you can share your experience quickly and easily. MEDICAL / SPECIALIST USER ACCESS with personal credentials.Dashboard with daily activity summary.Agenda with daily and monthly display of the events associated with the doctor (visits / interventions).Search for patients connected to the doctor.Possibility to send a confirmation of the performance to the STAFF of EQUIPE CLINICA AESTHETICA to the management system.Patient card.USER PATIENT ACCESS WITH personal credentials.Display promotional offers.User area with the ability to change your password to access the app.Card view with your data / attached files / photos before and after.View a list of events associated with the patient.Receive notifications / appointment reminders / promotional offers.Possibility to send a confirmation or cancellation of the appointment to the STAFF of EQUIPE CLINICA ESTETICA.